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Otsuka Seiyaku POCARI SWEAT Ice Slurry 100g x 6 sachets, hydration, sports drink, frozen hydration

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Pocari Sweat Ice Slurry is a product developed with a focus on deep body temperature to support activities in hot environments.

・Each sachet contains 100g of electrolytes and is in a drinkable pouch form.

*Ice slurry is a fluid state in which solid particles are dispersed in a liquid, and is said to have a higher cooling effect than regular ice because it easily permeates into the body.

Nutrition Facts: Energy 97kcal, Protein 1.5g, Fat 0g, Carbohydrate 27.3g (Sugar 21.3g, Dietary fiber 6.0g), Salt equivalent 0.11g, Potassium 18mg, Calcium 1.8mg, Magnesium 0.5mg

Ingredients: Palatinose, dextrin, reduced indigestible dextrin, salt/amino acids, flavor, acidifier, polysaccharide thickener, K chloride, Ca lactate, Mg chloride, vitamin C, safflower color, stevia, lakanka

Shelf life: 13 months from the date of manufacture

Country of origin: Japan

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